Biophysics Lab
Welcome to our Biophysics Lab Website
What we do
We help to improve the safety, quality and process efficacy of wet labs and bioproducts (pharmaceuticals and food) by digital and (bio-)physical tools.
We develop, improve & implement sensors, functional in vitro assays, processes and digital tools to detect toxicity and help understand the effects of pharmaceutical compounds on molecular targets.
Methods and techniques
Most of our recent work is about Data / Process / QA / GxP works, Digital (Wet-)Lab Transformation & Automation
Other biophysical tools that we employ include:
Atomic Force Microscopy and Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy
(Automated) Patch Clamp Electrophysiology
Acoustic Spectroscopy and Sound Analyzer
Geiger Counter for measuring radioactivity
Atmospheric aerosol particles / environmental fine dust (PM2.5 & PM10) measurements
In silico and in vitro Safety Pharmacology (Github profile for collaborators:
More information (external links)
This publication on patch clamp may give a good overview of some of our assays and techniques, and this one on force spectroscopy goes into some of our biosensor techniques
Here you can find an article (in German) about our lab (pdf)
Cooperative Doctoral School InViTe (Kooperatives Promotionskolleg InViTe)
Our GitHub repository:
Interested in working with us? / Contact
If you are interested in doing a project in the field of biophysics with us, please contact
Prof. Dr. Clemens Möller 🔗
Biophysics Lab
Albstadt-Sigmaringen University
Anton-Günther-Str 51
D-72488 Sigmaringen